美国ASI平台发了一封Certified mail让我们确认价格是什么意思?






 Did you know your products are out of date and in danger of being removed from ESP *?

 Beginning May 31,2023, all ESP products that haven ' t been updated will be removed from ESP . They can only be relisted when the data has been updated OR you confirm the pricing and product 

 information is accurate .

 We know you ' re busy ; we can update your product info for you . Simply send us :

. A PDF of your 2023 catalog 

 A list of your exciting new products for 2023 A list of discontinued products 

 A brief description (1 or 2 sentences ) of what has changed overall in your product line ( colors , pricing , upcharges , etc .)

 The more detailed the information you provide , the faster updates can be made . We don ' t want to see your products removed from ESP . Visit 

https://espupdates.asicentral.com/Materiallntake to upload and submit your product updates 

 before May 31,2023, in order to avoid any interruption . If you are receiving this message in error or have already updated your products , please contact us at dataupdates@asicentral.com.

 Regards ,

 Tami Reckard , MASI 

 Director , Data Management & Optimization 

 Advertising Specialty Institute | Every Step of the Way .-



市面价: $0


*鸿馨保密协议:保密信息是指您提供给我们所有与你隐私相关的信息资料,包括但 不限于客户护照,ASI号,客户网站,SAGE号,公司名称,公司申请地址,银行信息和手机号码以及客户信息,支票信息, 离岸公司名字和注册地等